Friday, January 03, 2014

and then ...i died...

the thirsty willow sings its songs
as the birds fly thru
its voluminous arms
and all the while your standing underneath
so statuesque and beautiful...
my picture perfect
all wrapped up in one
only ur forbidden
 to the tongue
my sleepless dreams
consume the very heart of me
as a give in to what
i shouldn't be
its heartbreaking and the best
all wrapped into one
ya forbidden to the tongue
i wish this moment lasted
forever long
as the willow sings
sings our very song
and it makes it seem
that ur distance isnt that far off
and my heart was never lost
cuz its the perfect moment
for the perfect one
only to late
a love on the run..

Monday, December 30, 2013


in times of essence
i think about you
your hair
that great smile
just the things that you do
and all the wayside
im holding back my love for you
because im just not sure
if you feel that way to
for maybe its care
that holds me so tight
cuz when your gone and come back
i cant put up a fight
an what drives me wild
is that theres no one like you
the way you are
the names you call me
its like i never knew
i think i melt inside 
from the candles you light
and every time you come to mind
you shine so bright
that i just lose my way 
and it sometimes scares me 
cuz with you id lose track of days
for hours could pass
and my cares would only be for you
but you may never know
that i die a little, without you.

Saturday, December 28, 2013


fishing thru waters
walking thru walls
all these memories
built up in a call
wishing to the past
for hope of the future
all while wondering
what happened to closure
all the closed doors
suddenly open to a choosing
and im scared to look through
for the chance of me losing
and desolate
i seek your light
and given your heart
id cherish it in the night
for in an unsettled storm
i'd find you in a second
could you be the one
that pulls me from this wreckage
would you care nothing more
to know nothing less
of a girl whose heart
is put to the test
to love and let live
or live and let love
carry her away
and forever cherish
all the ways.. of love...

Friday, December 27, 2013


In storms and in rain
The memories flood back
And when you’re onpour subsides
I’m pushed that far back
Be it not or never was
I long for your touch
Another hug
A precious kiss
Never have I wished for this much
This longing of a love
It tears so deep
But I’m puddles for you
When my heart you reap
For the mystery of you
Lingers so far deep
I grasp in the dark
But only the surface I can reach
I can’t break through
Those chains on your heart
And as time passes by

I’m right back to where we start…

Coming down...

Take me on a refuge
Love me in a fight
Now all the things you measure
Just sit tight
We’re breaking thru our darkness
In Every way we know
And distance plays a part
More often than you show
I wander in the mist
Finding you in every kiss missed
We walk along(in thoughts prolonged)
 Seeking refuge
In days gone and past
Could it be better
Think this will last
I just have to see you
 for more than you know
but time runs away

And so does its glow…

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Feels like autumn...

so for the answers
 you always knew
i  hope in trust
love  tooo
tell me what want from me
you plant it on your self
you see
for the distance makes it harder
and distance makes us cooold
were far from perfect
but life gets so old

cuz for these answers
you say you knew
does hope not linger
with no clue
is this trust
so you say
ur better off living this way

cuz for the answers that i know
ur lying truth it
carries a blow
for distance makes it harder
were better with a fight
but all along we wonder
why we cling so tight

so put me in a river
paint me on a sea
sail me far away
from were u want to bee

i get its over
an i get its tough
so how can i tell you
that it hurts
just this much
....soo muchh

for my dear...

for all things here
show me heart
show me you care
sing a melody so sweet
i can wait
its my defeat
with my heart in your hands
youve won me over
all things discovered
cuz im yours
and when the flowers bloom
i cant help but see you
ur in my heart
your in my mind
were are everything
cuz i love you
for ever in our lives i sing a song
just for u
your breathe ever daY
what can i say
i need nothing less
i feel nothing more
then your love
i know its for sure
cuz ur my love and my light
u surprised me
without sight
when i fell
baby you
so take my hand
for the time we will stand
forever with you.

just thoughts...

wishin you were here
wishing always
oh how the nights
turn to fades
and i linger
in the dARK
hoping for
ur sunlight
oh how ur canvas shines
bringing forth dayS
in those blue eyes
and in those arms
i sing for days
cuz our love
will last always

Friday, December 08, 2006

a poem..thing

you can be the worst thing 4 me
and it all comes back to u
u could bring me down
and i dont think i would move
i feel id let u bury me
down wit ur troubles
if it meant i could keep u
safe from a struggle
for just to know that u feel better
i gladly withstand any kind of measure
to make effort to this
could be anybody's claim
but to bring truth to it
i willingly proclaim
that i wont let u down
not even if u begin to fall
because u know what babe
your just worth it all

Saturday, December 02, 2006


set this free
look in the mirror
is this where you ought to be
an ordinary girl
lost in the thoughts
a tornado's whirl
of a captivating boy
a love from above
the smile that greets you
lacks nothing there of
and those eyes that hide
behind an essence of hair
put a lock on my heart
so only you can be there
and the tears that shouldnt be
all flooded away
the moment you told me
your love wasnt bound to yesterdays'
an as we pass through defeat
of what was once lost
we rotate the seat
hold this picture without cost
for it took nothing to hold
this love to our hearts
but everything foretold
not to let it fall apart
so we leave this overhead
stare at the stars
ands dream in one bed
are minds anticipating
the thoughts of each other
forever is now
so relinquish this lover
and let things unfold
like they forever should
one day will end
an another will shine through.

like whoa! another poem!
eyes burn black
in the face of a longing
charcoal cracks
as opposed to your calling
whip lash strikes
as soon as your subtle
we swerve our bikes
to keep from trouble
and your rug runs steep
so harsh like sun burn
we bury it deep
so now its your turn
in a wink of disguise
your perception is clearer
obstacles that surround
seem to be getting nearer
so brace yourself
for this day right now
take a book off the shelf
shout out loud
what is real
so you say
treasure this life
in a day
an expect nothing more
cause they care not for you
put a lock on the door
make an old day new
and cherish whats left
forever-now yesterdays
and try not to fall into

*this one....kinda sucks.....enjoy =)!*
a thousands shades of gray
rein from the sky
in an immaculate way
the scene takes you high
soon the clouds take their form
as the whirlwinds collide
and they burn into the ground
as if they heard your voice subside
screaming..breaking down
they play like a rhythm to tears
an to the sound
like heartbreaks during the years
and moments of loves touch
the storm has come an gone
though has brought about much
a lot to handle
yes.. so very rough
the damage is utterly substantial
as in the pain of the heart being tough
but its overcome
with a rainbow of truth
a promise to some
not knowing its use
an like a letter uncovered
you found this treasure
in the essence of the storm
a precious measure
bringing life in another form
though what if it fades away
lost in transform
will it result in another day
lost to yesterdays
or a new awaking
filling the earth
with is abundant quaking
as it brings about its array
all we hope for is...
a forthbringing hope of a new day.

the ocean is exposed and wide
the traffic sails on by
pertaining to its drive
and you watch
as it all turns to a blurr
you make sense of this
as if you had the cure
and she watches as the sunrises
on past the horizon
though it seems unusual for her to be surprised and..
she stares at its beauty
like it surpasses her own
he loves her so much
but she turns his heart to stone
his late nite phone calls
go unanswered
as she lingers anear
crying, callin out for romance in..
with who perhaps lye on the other line
a mistake so unheard ofit bears no lies
she loves himthough it seemsat her demise
to tell him the truth
so to her thoughts she weeps
an she burns as she falls asleep
knowing nothings changed to his heart she dreams
one day it will be better
so it seems
she'll awakeand it'll be just as they hoped
their now restless nites a past joke
as memories dissipate into the distance
they'll meet back up
and cherish their resistance
their lives will engage
in a heartfelt sleep
of a brilliant love
they chose to keep

u fail to recognize
yet always know
a love like urs
is bliss to the tongue
and so it goes
thru rain drops
and sparkles
u light up the news
of a story
a love life misused
as day shapes
the cold burns
into ur shoes
and another love found
means the old ones renewed
its all about love
and the way we abuse
its about love
please tell us the truth
destined for love
the light of the world
bring us back home
make our hearts unfurled
how u love and mislead
bother and you tease
till one hearts distraught
and the other left to bleed
it goes far to far
to love and let live
so we treasure all the moments
till all thats left is thissss.
what else is there to do but uh...start this thing off wit a poem.. here goes nothin..and i mean that..

Do my feelings suspend
when i now think of you
am i over the fact
that i thought i loved you
can i be true to myself
and yet hold fast my dreams
carry all this with me
till all else seems
so far burried to the past
and holding my days of you
sadly said did not last
for did you even care
that i hurt when not with you
or lay bare
the truth upon another excuse
so gain witness to this
that when i was here
you were gone
though i always could dare
to you my heart is not drawn
so we'll lay this to rest
for its the last time
and sustain the best
of what loves left behind.